You may question why anybody would pay money to gaze at collections of collars for dogs, toilets, packets of ramen and mammalian penises in jars, only one factor we&rsquove learned out of this listing of weird museums is the fact that absolutely anything could be collected and set displayed. These unusual exhibitions are the bizarre and macabre, just like a Peruvian museum of brain abnormalities, towards the oddly specific, like Massachusetts&rsquo Museum of Burnt Food.
Icelandic Phallological Museum

Around the busiest street in Reykjavik, you&rsquoll look for a museum full of shelf after shelf of animal penises in jars. Iceland&rsquos Phallological Museum began like a private collection in 1974 once the founder received a bull&rsquos penis like a joke gift, also it required removed from there. “Some of my teachers accustomed to operate in summer time inside a nearby whaling station after the very first specimen they began getting me whale penises, supposedly to tease me. Then your idea emerged progressively that it may be interesting collecting examples from more mammalian species.
Sulabh Worldwide Museum of Toilets, India
Operated by a social service organization that actually works to safeguard human legal rights, sanitation, waste management and social reform through education, New Delhi&rsquos toilet museum showcases some,500-year good reputation for toilets all over the world, including one disguised like a bookcase and King Louis the XIV&rsquos royal throne, where he was stated to defecate during court sessions. Sulabh Worldwide continues to be credited with getting sanitation to India&rsquos poor, and founded the museum to transmit a note about how exactly important proper disposal of human waste is.
Avanos Hair Museum, Poultry
The addresses and names well over 16,000 women all over the world are recorded to delicate little examples of hair hanging in the walls in the Avanos Hair Museum, a bizarre treasure tucked in to the caves of Poultry&rsquos surreal Cappadocia near the owner&rsquos pottery studio. The very first lock of hair increased in 1979, supposedly like a keepsake for founder Nick Galip, beginning a trend by which women under your own accord left their locks behind. Each year Galip chooses ten hair samples randomly and invites the ladies to return for any pottery workshop and in which to stay his traditional guesthouse free of charge.
Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum, Japan
A brief history of ramen noodles and Cup Noodles is well known in the Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka, a totally free exhibit with recreations from the ramen inventor&rsquos workshop and a large number of cups and packets of instant noodles displayed. There&rsquos also an immediate ramen workshop where visitors could make their very own noodles.
Meguro Parasitological Museum, Japan
Wake up close and private with tapeworms, mites along with other parasites in the world&rsquos only parasitological museum. Found in the Meguro neighborhood of Tokyo, japan, this museum has over 45,000 examples in the collection, such as the world&rsquos longest tapeworm at 8.8 meters. You may also obtain a parasite-themed souvenir.